What Are You Doing Here?

Two women

who ran into the wilderness and found each other while finding their voices

What are you doing here? I ask myself that question every single time I step to the mic to perform a poem. I am an introvert. What in the actual am I doing here standing on a stage in front of people sharing my most intimate thoughts? Well…I think that is something the Lord is still fleshing out for me but I have found some companionship with my Old Testament brother, Elijah.

Elijah is a prophet I have revisited over and over during my divorce process and in my post-divorce healing. In 1 Kings chapter 19, Elijah is running for his life. He did the Lord’s bidding and killed a bunch of idol worshiping prophets. Killing people earned him some pretty upset enemies. Enemies that were determined to end his life. So Eliah did what many of us do when we are under attack. He ran. He ran away from the danger but not really towards a destination of safety because he did not have one. He ran into the wilderness. He fled into the unknown because even that was safer than staying where he was. 

Do you know that feeling? Knowing that in order to survive you have to just run. You have run into the unknown and trust your feet and your God to guide you.

Elijah grew exhausted because if you have ever fought for your survival you know it is depleting. He came to rest under a tree where an angel nourished his body with food and water. The angel offered comfort to his spirit in encouragement and rest. You have to rest or you will not make it to the destination, the angel said to Elijah. After 40 days and 40 nights of trudging through the wilderness Elijah arrived at Mount Horeb, the Mount of God. He found a little cave and slept. 

Then watch this, God shows up and was like “What are you doing here Elijah?” Ummmmm what? Can you imagine how Elijah might have felt hearing that question? Frustration. So Elijah did what I would have done and he lists all the ways he had served the Lord and how all of those things landed him on a mountain top alone hiding from his enemies.There is much more to this chapter but a quick rundown is this- God revealed himself to Elijah on the mountain after a display of great elemental power in the ‘sheer silence.’ He asked Elijah again “What are you doing here?” Then instructed Elijah to go back into the wilderness on  a new mission to anoint a king.

There is so much happening in this passage but what keeps ruminating in my spirit is the question- What are you doing here?

I wonder if God was also saying “why are you hiding?”, “why are you running away?”, “haven’t I proven my protection and provision to you over and over?” Get your hiney off this mountain and get back out in the wilderness. I have a job for you to do! 

This time when Elijah went into the wilderness he had an assignment but he had to climb a mountain, brave the storm, and sit in the stillness to get the assignment. Have you done that sister? You’re so capable you don’t even know it yet. 

This wilderness journey is marked by a purpose. It is designed for you to go out and stand in confidence and resistance to the enemies of your success. You know the assignment, now let your actions shout from the mountain top that you understood the assignment. 


Healing Breath


Allow Me to Introduce Myself